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i-sight : Mesh Visualization and Scientific Plotting Tool


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About i-sight

Author: Samit Ahlawat (
Software released under GNU GPL (General Public License).
Development language: Java (UI in Java swing).

Current version: beta, supports two-dimensional plots
i-sight is a mesh visualization and scientific plotting software that has the ability to visualize three dimensional meshes in perspective, axonometric or orthogonal views, and has options to perform shading based surface visualization. In the first alpha release, the software mainly supports mesh visualization, the next release will contain the tools for plotting (two-dimensional and three dimensional plots) and contour drawing.

Most other open source mesh visualization software contain a few tools for mesh visualization and lack a complete set of tools. For instance, most of them have ability to zoom and rotate but do not have tools to change between perspective and orthogonal views, perform shading based surface visualization, or the ability to cut a mesh to see inside. The cut tool is useful for solid meshes. In a solid mesh, wireframe model can get uninformative for meshes with a few hundred cells. Surface model only helps in visualizing the outer surface and not in visualizing inner cells.

Please see user documentation for a complete list of features supported by the current release of this software.

To compile and run this software, JDK 5 or higher is needed (available free of cost from sun microsystems.

Supported File Formats

  • PMesh (obj extension).
  • GeomView (off extension).
  • GTS (gts extension).
  • PLY (ply extension).

Please see the developer's manual (GeomDataManager class) for more details on file formats.


  1. Finacial Chart (ADBE, 100 day) showing Japanese Candlestick chart. Blue line is the exponential moving average with exponential decay factor set to 0.9.
  2. Bar Chart for same data.
  3. Fourier plot (discrete fourier transform) of the ADBE 100 day's worth of data, the plot displays the important frequencies.
  4. Button for submitting Fourier run (using discrete version of FFT)
  5. Cross hair extending to axes. Cross hair on cursor.
  6. Stanford Bunny

  7. Cessna Plane

    Object rotation with specular surface shading

    Phong (metallic) surface shading

  8. Magnolia

  9. Mushroom

Two-Dimensional plots (financial charts (Japanese Candlesticks), histograms, line plots)

The tool includes ability to plot, manage and modify two-dimensional plots. The two-dimensional chart area can be brought up by clicking on the toolbar button for two D charts:
The two-dimensional plotting abilities have been summarized below:

  1. Financial charts showing daily open, close, high, low and volume.
  2. Ability to open plots in different plot windows or in same plot window.
  3. Draw lines on top of plots.
  4. Line plots show the point on curve below the cursor (coordinates shown in highlighted box).

Enhancements in the Pipeline

Upcoming improvements have been enumerated below (not ordered by priority)

  1. Three dimensional plots.
  2. Ability to cut objects.
  3. Take sections on three d objects and plot contours for selected variable
  4. Support for TEC (tecplot) file format (block, format, fem format).
  5. Support for texture (as specified by VRML 2.0 file format).
  6. Support for animation.

Getting Support, Bug-Filing

  • Please email for questions regarding usage.

  • Please submit bug reports here

  • Please submit support requests here

  • Please submit feature requests here

  • Forum for general discussion: Please go here

Installation Instructions

Please download the appropriate source package (i-sight.tar.gz or
For tar.gz, use 'tar -xvf i-sight.tar.gz'
For .zip, use unzip or any of your windows zip programs (WinZip, 7-Zip). Follow the instrctions in INSTALL file in the distribution.